SEO & SEA : 2 web referencing strategies
SEO or SEA… Which one to choose?
If you are not sure which SEO strategy to adopt. The web agency gives you all the tips to optimize your web content!
1. Web referencing : definitions and reminders
Web referencing : definitions and reminders
You want your website to appear at the top of the Google results, but you’re not sure what strategy to adopt? Your favorite web agency in Toulouse will help you!
Today, the web agency explains all about theSEOandSEA.
Do you already know all the keys to natural search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search engine optimization (SEA)? Don’t worry, we’ll reveal all the secrets of other SEO solutions with SEM, SMO and SMA in our next blog post!
SEO and SEA, 2 SEO methods to consider to reach the top of the search results… Deciphering!
SEO : the natural referencing
What does SEO mean?
SEO comes from Search Engine Optimization.
Better known as natural referencing, SEO refers to “any technique implemented to improve the position of a website on the results pages of search engines”.

The principles of natural referencing (SEO)
- Index the pages of your website in search engines (Google, but also Bing, Ecosia, Lilo, etc.).
- Increase the global visibility of your site by placing it in a good position in the results proposed by these search engines.
- Connect interested Internet users with products, services and content (informative, commercial, transactional, or other), via relevant keywords aggregated according to a semantic logic.
The objective of natural referencing?
Get the right information to the right users at the right time! By positioning on keywords and search queries.
In concrete terms, we say that a website is well optimized or referenced if it ranks in the first page of search engine results for the query (keyword or set of keywords) searched.
SEA : the paid referencing
SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising.
If you don’t have time to create content and build your semantic cocoon (SEO) step by step, and if you have an advertising budget, SEA is a good way to target keywords and generate traffic to your website quickly.
With SEA, it’s simple: you don’t invest time, but a budget to get to the top of the search results.

In short, SEA places your page/site in an “advertising” spot, even before the natural results listing.
For example, at Google, it is possible to use Google Ads to make your pages stand out in the advertising section (just below the search bar) by investing on certain well targeted keywords.
The principles of paid search (SEA)
- Invest on 1 or x keywords to make your site stand out in the requests related to these keywords.
- Prioritize certain keywords in your strategy, to bid and win the most relevant positions, with regard to your budget and your strategy (the general keywords being the most sought after, therefore the most prized / competitive, the “niche” keywords being more affordable but less sought after).
- Carry out lightning campaigns, or of longer duration, according to the strategic topicality: event, launching of products, show…
What are the objectives of paid search?
- Increase global visibility: when used properly, SEA can be very powerful in propelling your site to the top of the results! In the short term, SEA can significantly increase the visibility of a company, a brand or a product on the market.
- Generate leads via targeted traffic: by positioning your links on specific queries.
- Convert and increase your sales: with pre-qualified traffic, you increase your chances of conversion, and therefore of sales!
SEO vs SEA : the best practices of SEO by WS
More than just SEO strategies, SEO and SEA are really a plus for any website. Knowing what they are is fine, but do you really know how to use them on a daily basis?
Improve your SEO: tips and best practices
How to work on its natural referencing, given that the algorithms of search engines (like Google) are updated very frequently? Freshness and regularity are the key rules of SEO!
The secret of natural referencing lies in the conception, the maintenance and the update of your SEO strategy. To stop suffering from your keywords: exploit them and optimize them 😉

Which keywords to optimize for your SEO strategy? Your web agency accompanies you in defining your strategy!
After selecting relevant keywords (in line with your content, products or services), you must integrate them as much as possible (while remaining natural, of course: readability is important!) to improve your SEO!
Don’t forget to include them in:
- Your Title (64 % of well-referenced websites include an H1 and 70% contain a H2) and body paragraph.
- Your meta descriptions (68 % of pages have one!) and other metadata (alternative and descriptive texts).
- Your internal and external referral links (or close to these links). Your URLs….
And the little extra to improve your SEO? Improving the user experience!
In the new versions of Google’s rating-indexing algorithm, be sure not to neglect the user experience of your site! On the contrary, to boost your SEO, optimize :
- The ergonomics of your site: for a smooth and quality navigation.
- The user pathreliable, simple and intuitive.
- Clicks, CTAs and interactions on your site: to control your bounce & conversion rates!
Our SEA tips: for a marketing leverage effect!
Search Engine Optimization is a good SEO strategy, but depending on your needs at the time, SEA (Search Engine Advertising) is also worth considering.
To include it in your strategy, WS shares its three key points 😉

1) Establish a budget: Since paid search invoicing is done on a per-click basis, it is essential to define a budget to anticipate and control your expenses. Remember: each click of an Internet user on your commercial link is synonymous with the payment of the targeted keyword!
2)Select keywords(according to your priorities and your budget): the basic principle in SEO! The words you use must have a good potential of request, in order to be searched by the Internet users… while not being too competitive so as not to consume all your budget in 1 week! It’s up to you to find your balance, depending on your strategy 😉 (we can advise you if needed!)
3)Write the content of the commercial links: remember, search engines are smart! You must write according to your objectives and your target: a short and punchy ad will encourage more people to click on your link 😉
What are the benefits of an SEA strategy?
- A quick visibility of your website: unlike SEO, paid search can make your website appear very quickly in the first results of search engines.
- Optimal real-time control: you can modify and adjust your ads and your budget in real time.
- A more precise and targeted campaign: with the SEA you can more easily reach a precise objective, especially by combining the proposed marketing techniques (Google my Business, Web Affiliation, Google Ads…).
And for e-commerce sites, SEA is a good rather effective way to quickly gain a good positioning on keywords and to generate qualified traffic directly with consumers!
Opting for an SEO & SEA strategy: the winning combo
Now that you know the basics about SEO and SEA, how about combining the two in your web marketing strategy?
Opting for a complete SEO strategy combining SEO and SEA will allow you to :
- Respond quickly to your traffic, acquisition and conversion needs, thanks to SEA.
& to…
- Strengthen your natural position and your reputation in the long term, by building and consolidating your SEO ranking in the search results of your users
Knowing that to maximize your traffic, you need to appear on the first page of Google, this double optimization strategy makes sense.
In the end, the answer to the question “Which SEO technique to choose between SEO and SEA?” is surely both! Don’t you agree?
So what are you waiting for to set up a SEO & SEA strategy? Contact your favorite web agency , because at WS we like to accompany you towards an optimal referencing!