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Airbus Defence & Space Intelligence

Some news from the cosmos of Airbus Intelligence

Airbus Intelligence is a branch of Airbus Defence and Space, with whom we have had a long-term relationship creating evolving tailor made mini-websites. For more than 20 years, we’ve endeavored to understand their needs and expectations in order to always offer personalized and efficient solutions.

Our priority? To support the evolution of your interface in the face of market constraints.

Digital conquers the universe 

For the Airbus Intelligence international corporate website, requirements were very clear:

  • the interface had to be responsive
  • it had to give access to the market, products and services of the company
  • its content needed to be structured, attractive, visually striking and easily changed.

WS accepted the mission: introducing the brightest side of planet Earth via the multimedia interface of Airbus Intelligence.

Enter digital orbit with WS!

Our WS engineers love to create personalized applications for Airbus’ wide range of dedicated services.

The catalog and extranets of the platform represented a huge ergonomic and technical challenge.

To overcome these obstacles, we suggested:

  • thumbnail images to pre-visualize satellite images
  • independent and adaptable management of users and bookmarks
  • order monitoring

All of this was built to respect the database of the organization and the graphic charter of the parent company.